

Due to requirements in family I created a simple web for left time calculation.


Set dates in the future (or past) and let the application calculate the days/hours/minutes left to that.

  • add schedule to calender
  • add schedule to app
  • calculate all added dates
  • remove schedule from app
  • show information on schedule
  • add a tag/info to a schedule
  • multi language (EN/DE at the moment)
  • Cloud integration - cloud at countdown.siningsoft.de
  • Cloud integration - private cloud
  • some configuration options
add dates
calculate dates
remove dates
add date to organizer
cloud integration
cloud integration with web access (UID)

The sourcecode is located under svn://svn.siningsoft.de/ut-countdown. A free read access via svn will follow. If you're interested in submitting code as part of the development, a read/write access could be requested via ut@siningsoft.de

× iphelper toolbox

you see this when javscript or css is not working correct

IP Address:
First usable:
Last usable:
Amount of usable:
Network address:
Reverse address:
Broadcast address:

  • ubuntutouch/app/countdown.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2023/10/26 19:35
  • von admin