This page collects information for debugging purposes. You can manual start the application server with these commands.
starting application stack
the easy way
There are several small bash scripts to start the application stack with only one command.
$ cd ${SVN-REPO} $ bin/start.sh
$ cd ${SVN-REPO} $ bin/start-debug.sh
flask application server
$ cd ${SVN-REPO} $ export FLASK_APP=myCar.py $ flask run * Serving Flask app "myCar.py" (lazy loading) * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
If you want to add more debugging information you can use the following environment variable
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
which results in the following call
$ cd ${SVN-REPO} $ export FLASK_APP=myCar.py $ export FLASK_ENV=development $ flask run * Serving Flask app "myCar.py" (lazy loading) * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
iphelper toolbox
you see this when javscript or css is not working correct