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FAQ site for Click Package Management under Ubuntu

Install preInstalled Click Packages / reinstall Camera

The camera comes preinstaled with the image. Once you've accidently deinstalled this app, its not possible to simply reinstall via OpenStore. Allthough the installation in OpenStore returns without error, the application is not available. Follow the following steps to achive the installation

  1. download package as click package from https://open-store.io or from git-hub where the clicks are stored usually. Place the click package file on the device. (The camera app could be found here: https://open-store.io/app/camera.ubports.)
  2. remount the filesystems of the device in writeable mode, either with UTTweak or manually via console
  3. install package with commands on device (via SSH, USB, or locall in terminal app)
× iphelper toolbox

you see this when javscript or css is not working correct

IP Address:
First usable:
Last usable:
Amount of usable:
Network address:
Reverse address:
Broadcast address:

  • ubuntutouch/faq/click_packages.1728604087.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/10/10 23:48
  • von devnull