====== Intro ====== This wiki page collects some of my efforts in SailfishOS development. ====== App Projects ====== * [[sailfishos:projects:w3w|W3W - What.three.words]] * [[sailfishos:projects:imdb|IMDb (unofficial)]] * [[sailfishos:projects:onvista|OnVista (unofficial)]] * [[sailfishos:projects:tvspielfilm|TVSpielfilm (unofficial)]] * [[sailfishos:projects:golem|golem.de (unofficial)]] ====== Tools Projects ====== * [[sailfishos:projects:Sailfish_Contacts_Rescue|Sailfish Contacts Rescue]] ====== support tools ====== {{ :sailfishos:createsailicons.sh.gz | CreateSailIcons.sh}} This tool creates the required Icons from one master file. $ ./CreateSailIcons.sh ./CreateSailIcons.sh <-i ICON-file> [-o OUT-file] -i IN-file Please provide an valid iconfile (PNG, X>=172, Y>=172) Icons will be created in their subdirectory. Sizes 172x172 128x128 108x108 86x86 Destination directory of ouput is /home/devnull/ed/Programme/entwurf/SailfishOS -o OUT-file output file name ! Do not specify a path here, only a file name ! Version 1.0, Report bugs to sailfish@siningsoft.de