====== abstract ======
The obdgpslogger uses a sqlite database to store its recorded data.
The schema is quite undocumented. I try to do this here on my own.
====== schema ======
{{ :mycar:software:obdgpslogger-schema.png |}}
As you can see here, there are no direct conections between the tables. Its quite flat. Therfor the logi is in the application (somehow).
===== Tables =====
graph TD;
==== trip ====
^ Spalte ^ Beschreibung ^ unit ^
| tripid | incremented trip number | integer |
| start | start time | unknown timestamp |
| end | end time | unknown timestamp |
==== obd ====
^ Spalte ^ Beschreibung ^ unit ^
| load_pct | Calculated LOAD Value | % |
| temp | Engine Coolant Temperature | Celsius |
| rpm | Engine RPM | rev/min (rpm)|
| vss | vehicle speed sensor | km/h |
| iat | Intake Air Temperature | Celsius |
| maf | mass air flow sensor | g/s |
| throttlepos | Absolute Throttle Position | % |
| time | Tiem of dataset | unknown timestamp |
==== gps ====
^ Spalte ^ Beschreibung ^ unit ^
| lat | Latitude |
| lon | Longitude |
| alt | Altitude | hight of device |
| time | Tiem of dataset | unknown timestamp |
====== SQL Statements ======
select * FROM obd LEFT JOIN gps ON obd.time=gps.time LEFT JOIN trip ON obd.time>trip.start AND obd.time