

Hier werden die Unterschiede zwischen zwei Versionen angezeigt.

Link zu dieser Vergleichsansicht

ubuntutouch:faq:click_packages [2024/10/10 23:48] – angelegt devnullubuntutouch:faq:click_packages [2024/10/10 23:54] (aktuell) – click package nachinstallieren [Install preInstalled Click Packages / reinstall Camera] devnull
Zeile 10: Zeile 10:
   - remount the filesystems of the device in writeable mode, either with UTTweak or manually via console   - remount the filesystems of the device in writeable mode, either with UTTweak or manually via console
   - install package with commands on device (via SSH, USB, or locall in terminal app)   - install package with commands on device (via SSH, USB, or locall in terminal app)
 +<sxh bash>
 +phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo click install Downloads/camera.ubports_4.0.6_arm64.click --allow-unauthenticated --user=phablet
 +WARNING:root:Signature check failed, but installing anyway as requested
 +  - optionally check if package was installed successfully
 +<sxh bash>
 +phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ click list | grep -i camer
 +camera.ubports 4.0.6
 +camerascanner.jonnius 0.4.1
× iphelper toolbox

you see this when javscript or css is not working correct

IP Address:
First usable:
Last usable:
Amount of usable:
Network address:
Reverse address:
Broadcast address:

  • ubuntutouch/faq/click_packages.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/10/10 23:54
  • von devnull